Official review from an officially logical person
This app makes me laugh. Really. It does. It isnt a bad app idea. It just takes what people do in real life and puts it in an app. People "rate" other people they meet in their heads when they say things such as gosh, that girl was sooooo annoying or I had a lot of fun with him, I hope we see each other somewhere else. This app basically lets you do that where everyone who looks at the person can see. The people who complain about this, though, are seriously misguided. If they think they will get bullied or harassed then why do they have an account in the first place? By putting oneself out there, then they are saying to other people who have the app come and judge me on how you thought our interaction was. If a person is insecure and doesnt want to be judged, then a person should not have an account on here. You cant bully a person that you cant find. Besides, there will always be people who feel the need to lower other people down. This app has nothing to do with that. Its a funny and creative idea of daily interaction for people who want to let other people know what more people think of one person. Also, I am pretty sure that it said it was for Canada. Of course I didnt really read that part about terms and conditions but then again, I highly doubt that the majority of people on here did. So if you want to let people rate you and all that, get the app. If you dont, then dont get the app. Its that simple. Have a great day everyone.
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